BREBES-ASWINNEWS.COM – The rampant circulation of Type G drugs in Brebes Regency has caused concern among the public. The modus operandi used involves shops selling mobile phone accessories, feminine hygiene products, and soft drinks in Brebes, Central Java. Even when these shops are closed, they still sell hard drugs like Eximer and Tramadol, along with similar substances, using a Cash on Delivery (COD) system.
According to reports from local residents and observations by the media team, these shops and COD transactions for Type G drugs still exist. One shop coordinator, identified by the initials AG, is said to manage over five COD transaction locations.
“Some of these places even openly sell drugs right by the main road or national highway, including a location in Pakijangan Village, Bulakamba District, Brebes, right on the south side of the highway,” said one resident on Tuesday (28/01).
This situation is alarming because it could harm the youth and the future of Brebes’ younger generation. Although Tramadol and Eximer are not classified as narcotics, their effects are as dangerous as narcotics. Both are classified as Type G hard drugs, and their use requires supervision and a doctor’s prescription. Improper use can lead to harmful health consequences.
Anyone involved in the illegal sale of these substances without authorization can face penalties under Article 197 in conjunction with Article 106, paragraph 1, of Law No. 36/2009 on Health. Offenders may be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to Rp 1.5 billion, or charged under Article 435 of Law No. 17/2023, which replaces Article 196 of Law No. 36/2009, with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.
The people of Brebes are becoming increasingly worried about the safety of their children, family members, and the younger generation. Despite efforts to uncover the issue, the circulation of these drugs continues to thrive in Brebes, raising suspicions that the trade may be backed by certain officials in FORKOMPIMDA Brebes. As the 2025 political year approaches, the community hopes for strong actions from the authorities.