JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- After 100 days of the Prabowo-Gibran administration, the strategy to strengthen the industry is highly anticipated. The industrial sector plays an important role in achieving better economic growth through its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), job creation, increasing exports and foreign exchange, economic diversification, and encouraging innovation and technological development. Therefore, strengthening the industrial sector is key to achieving sustainable economic growth and improving people’s welfare.
As an independent think tank, Next Policy has identified the condition of national industrial resilience and mapped the challenges caused by import policies. Based on these findings, Next Policy has formulated a strategy to strengthen local industry through government policy support and industry initiatives. By understanding the challenges and opportunities from the perspective of the government, business actors, academics, and related communities, this research has produced relevant policy recommendations to encourage local industrial growth.
As an effort to encourage public narrative to support the strengthening of the national industry, Next Policy held a closed Media Gathering event with media representatives to disseminate the results of related research findings, at Rumah Wijaya, Friday (7/2), The presentation was attended by: The Next Policy research team, namely,
1. I Made Krisna Y. W. Gupta, M.S.E., Ph.D (Economist FEB UI)
2. Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad, Ph.D (Assoc. Professor of International Relations UI).
The Next Policy Media Gathering event was titled “Post 100 Days of Prabowo-Gibran: Measuring the Readiness of Local Industry in the BRICS and Trump 2.0 Era”. Your participation in understanding and disseminating this issue is very important to encourage collaboration between actors in strengthening the resilience of the national industry.
“We greatly hope that our media colleagues will be willing to cover the results of our research findings in the form of written articles so that they can support the creation of collaboration in strengthening the resilience of the national industry,” said Salman.
*Ine Sri Rahayu
Public Relations of DPP ASWIN