PKB Faction of the Provincial DPRD Supports the Cheap Market Program and Homecoming Subsidy of the Governor of North Maluku.
SOFIFI-MALUT-ASWINNEWS.COM. The National Awakening Party (PKB) Faction of the People’s Representative Council and the Region supports the Governor of North Maluku’s Program to launch a cheap market program and homecoming subsidy.
The quick steps of the Governor of North Maluku Sherly Laos made a new breakthrough, namely cheap markets in regencies/cities in North Maluku Province and a homecoming subsidy program for the people of North Maluku who are going home during the 2025 Eid homecoming moment.
Muksin Amrin,Thursday,March 13,2025 said that the steps of the Governor of North Maluku were considered very populist, this certainly greatly eased the burden on the community in the midst of the high needs of the month of Ramadan.
Through the cheap market program, he hopes that it will be right on target for the people who are directly impacted by the program planned by the Governor.
Of course, this is specifically for subsidized homecoming, it is hoped that the relevant technical agencies will really carry out supervision so that it is right on target and to avoid broker practices, he concluded
Malut Bureau/Abd.Assagaf.