Death Penalty for Corruptors Learning from the Story of Prophet Khidr and the Little Child

Death Penalty for Corruptors Learning from the Story of Prophet Khidr and the Little Child

Author, AbahRoy
Head of DPC Aswin, Cirebon City

Corruption is not just an act against the law, but a betrayal of the people.

How many people suffer from the actions of a handful of greedy officials? Funds that should be used for education, health, and development actually go into personal pockets. As a result, poverty is rampant, children drop out of school, hospitals lack facilities, and development stalls.

In Islam, there is a story that can be a source of reflection, namely the meeting of the Prophet Moses with the Prophet Khidr in Surah Al-Kahfi. In the story,

The Prophet Khidr killed a little child with the permission of Allah SWT, because if left alive, he would grow up to be an oppressive person and cause misery to his pious parents.

In return, Allah gave a better child.

From here, we can learn that sometimes firm action must be taken to prevent greater damage.

If corruptors are allowed to roam free, they will continue to damage the system and cause misery to millions of people.

The death penalty for corruptors is not just an extreme discourse, but a solution to save the future of the nation from prolonged destruction.

Several countries such as China have implemented the death penalty for corruptors, and the results have been quite effective in reducing corruption rates. If we want to see real change, then we must dare to take firm steps.

Not just a light sentence or simply returning state money, but also a sentence that truly has a deterrent effect.

However, there is a fundamental difference that must be understood.

The Prophet Khidr acted on direct revelation from Allah SWT, while the human legal system must be based on justice, clear evidence, and a transparent process. The death penalty for corruptors should not be a tool for revenge or emotional satisfaction, but must be enforced in accordance with valid and applicable laws.

So, the important question is not “is the death penalty for corruptors too harsh?”, but “how long will we let the people become victims before taking firm steps?”.

If we really want to eradicate corruption, then there should be no mercy for those who betray the nation. Strict punishment and fair law enforcement are the keys to saving this country from destruction due to corruption.

Hopefully the government will immediately enforce the law without discrimination and without compromise for corruptors, for the sake of justice and the welfare of the people.

Cirebon, 11/03/2025


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