
SDN 15 Ternate City Holds Ramadhan Pesantren

SDN 15 Ternate City Holds Ramadhan Pesantren

TERNATE, MALUT- ASWINNEWS.COM- Entering the 6th day of fasting, State Elementary School 15 Ternate City, held a Ramadhan Pesantren.

The Principal of SDN 15 Ternate City, Sumahdi Marsaoly said, the purpose and target of the Ramadhan safari activity is of course to increase religious values ​​and shape the character of the next generation of the nation who have noble morals. In addition, he continued, to encourage the talents and interests of students who excel.

“There are four important aspects of the Ramadhan Pesantren activity. The first is to provide religious understanding to students, also specifically to increase knowledge of reading and writing the Qur’an,” explained Sumahdi to Ternate, Thursday, March 6, 2025.

Sumahdi continued, it is planned that the SDN 15 Ramadhan Pesantren activity will last for the next few days. At the closing, Wednesday, March 12, 2025, we will hold a breaking of the fast together and congregational prayer.

This Ramadan Islamic boarding school, starting today, Thursday (06/03) until its peak on March 12, 2025, and will be combined with a number of competition categories including, adhan competition, prayer, lectures, lower and upper class Qur’an tartil.

Biro Ternate


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