
Gus Bang’s Advice During Pearls of Ramadan at the Baitul Mukminin Grand Mosque

Gus Bang’s Advice During Pearls of Ramadan at the Baitul Mukminin Grand Mosque

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- KH Rohmatulloh Akbar Rifa’i, or Gus Bang, filled the Pearls of Ramadan at the Baitul Mukminin Grand Mosque, Jombang, Thursday night, March 6, 2025.

He emphasized the importance of guarding the tongue and increasing alms during the month of Ramadan.

Gus Bang also revealed five things that can damage the reward of fasting, namely gossiping, inciting conflict, lying, swearing falsely, and committing sins.

He also told a story about the importance of alms and how alms can make the scales of good deeds heavier.

“The angels found a man, at the end of his life, he had sincerely, willingly sacrificed and lovingly given a piece of bread to a hungry beggar. The reward of that piece of bread was what finally brought the man to heaven,” explained Gus Bang.



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