
Bengkalis Police Food Task Force Monitors Staple Food Prices at Terubuk Market During Ramadan

Bengkalis Police Food Task Force Monitors Staple Food Prices at Terubuk Market During Ramadan

BENGKALIS –ASWINNEWS.COM – The Food Task Force Team of the Tipidter Unit of the Bengkalis Police Criminal Investigation Unit, in collaboration with various related agencies, on Thursday, March 6, 2025, checked the prices and availability of staple foods in a number of traditional markets in Bengkalis Regency during the month of Ramadan. This activity involved the Bengkalis Police, Military District 0303 Bengkalis, the Bengkalis Regency Food Security Service, the Bengkalis Branch of the Bulog Company, the Bengkalis Regency Civil Service Police Unit, and the Economic Section of the Bengkalis Regency Regional Secretariat.

The checks were carried out at three locations: Toko Abas and Toko Abeng in Bengkalis District, and Pasar Terubuk in Kelapapati Village. The main focus of the monitoring was the prices and stocks of staple foods (Bapokting).

The results of the check at Terubuk Market on Thursday, March 6, 2025, showed the following prices:

– Large Red Chili: IDR 55,000/kg

– Cayenne Pepper: IDR 45,000/kg

– Green Chili: IDR 35,000/kg

– Tomato: IDR 16,000/kg

– Red Onion: IDR 45,000/kg

– Garlic: IDR 45,000/kg

– Broiler Chicken: IDR 31,000/kg

– Free-range Chicken: IDR 70,000/kg

– Beef: IDR 160,000/kg

– Bulk Cooking Oil: IDR 16,200/kg

– Premium Packaged Cooking Oil: IDR 18,000 – IDR 26,000/liter

– Bulk Sugar: IDR 18,000/kg

– Premium Sugar: IDR 18,000 – IDR 20,000/kg

– Wheat Flour: IDR 11,500/kg

– Chicken Eggs: IDR 58,000/board

– Duck Eggs: IDR 120,000/board

– Mackerel: IDR 40,000/kg

– Pomfret: IDR 50,000/kg

In general, the Food Task Force team did not find any significant price increases and shortages of basic necessities in the markets visited on Thursday, March 6, 2025.

Head of the Bengkalis Regency Trade and Industry Service, Zulpan ST, appealed to traders not to hoard goods and take advantage of the Ramadan situation to raise prices unreasonably. The service will also coordinate with related agencies to anticipate price increases ahead of Christmas and New Year. Monitoring of prices and stocks of basic necessities will continue to be carried out to ensure market stability.

Monitoring activities ended at around 12.00 WIB and took place safely and under control.

Author Desi Mayasari
Editor Ardes


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