Plants on the Path That Are Sown Bear Fruit Words

Plants on the Path That Are Sown Bear Fruit Words

By,Jacob Eresete
Freelance Journalist

When a writer realizes wholeheartedly that what is being done is an effort to carve beauty for a tombstone for himself, then the attitude of modesty and honesty and a sense of full responsibility are sown and sprout in the depths of his heart that deserves to be maintained and always clean, without any ulterior motives. Although it is possible that there are still niches and gaps of betrayal that are tucked away between mistakes because they are continuously tempted and disturbed by poverty that continues to roll without stopping. While the material climate continues to disturb to the most vulnerable and weak point. In similar conditions, true friends can be tested for their loyalty without any promises and transactions. Moreover, just to calculate profit and loss in any number.

The tombstone that has been engraved can also rot before the last incision is finished. So that an inscription from the past is just to complete the number of victims swallowed by the earth. Although there may still be an archaeologist who wails sadly and pitifully until his tears flow, wetting the description he is composing in endless prayer. Because all he is able to write is a fragment of the title that he never finished like a novelette by a philosopher whose name he forgot. But, he himself admitted and even said, what is the meaning of a name. Because the most important thing is the essence of the implied meaning, not too bothered by the things that are written.

The author himself does not consider what he writes too important. Because the most important thing for him is that writing is not just to mark that he once lived in a time that may not have received much attention from many people. But what is important is that it has marked that he wants to be present in every breath of life. Without having to hope to continue to be remembered. Including for those who are considered closest to him.

At one point he thought that writing for him was part of an exciting spiritual journey. So it is no longer important what achievements can be obtained, except for inner recreation that refreshes the soul when the body has transformed into the depths of the soul, like a bottomless well.

Vanya, his friends and relatives who were amazed. Maybe also confused how the lonely and silent path became his choice. While his other friends and relatives could only guess, maybe he was playing a big drama that had been written a synopsis but had never been staged on a stage at the camp level, which had once been his obsession and ambition as a child, long before he became an adult.

Now in his old age that continues to sprout and shed, all of that suddenly came back, a kind of silhouette that passed by as if reminding him of his forgotten past notes.

The writer was amazed, watching himself being wrapped in words, sentences that hung long to verses of poetry that he himself did not know exactly, who had actually written for him. And he himself was not entirely sure, that all of it was a beautiful view in the middle of a lush garden growing words from the sown plants.

Bay Naga, March 1, 2025


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