Happy Fasting in Ramadan 1446/2025 May You Have Good Morals and Be Pious
JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- This statement was conveyed by Aceng Syamsul Hadie, S.Sos.,MM, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of DPP ASWIN (International Journalists Association) to all parties, both government officials, all elements of society and national press.
This was conveyed by Aceng Syamsul Hadie, S.Sos, MM, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of DPP ASWIN, while talking to the Editorial Team of aswinnews.com, Friday, February 28, 2025.
Aceng added, hopefully we can carry out fasting in this month of Ramadan with mental and spiritual preparation, and carry it out sincerely and happily, accompanied by forgiving each other for all the mistakes and errors that have been made so far, so that we can carry out this Ramadan fasting full of calm, peace and blessings.
“We make this blessed month a momentum for national evaluation for us to re-knit what was torn apart by personal and group interests, let us knit togetherness to create the unity of this nation for the sake of realizing the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia which is clean and dignified,” concluded Aceng Syamsul Hadie, former member of the Majalengka DPRD for 3 (three) terms and currently serves as the General Chairperson of the Daarurrahman Cigayam Foundation (Aliyah, Tsanawiyah, Diniyah and TPA Education Institutions Foundation).
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