
Siti Khadijah,a True Warrior Who Became the Idol of Indonesian Women Activists

Siti Khadijah, a True Warrior Who Became the Idol of Indonesian Women Activists

By: Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

Yudha Gemin’s presentation on the figure of Siti Khadijah, the wife of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW who was loyal and sincere in accompanying the Prophet in his struggle to defend Muslims and the Islamic religion is truly worthy of appreciation as a writer who previously seemed careless, not serious and tended to just haha ​​hihi on almost all occasions. In particular, she often seemed to like to follow suit by commenting on what she often called “meling-meling” and “bening” so that I often mistakenly assumed it was like agate or peeled off bangkoang ready to be eaten.

So it is natural that she formulated a revolution that could erupt with only three closely related items, she said. Namely JBS (Genius, Brave and Sympathetic) or JBM she said in another formula, namely Genius, Brave and Sympathetic). But honestly, I don’t understand how to interpret her formula. Therefore, it is good that on another occasion Yudha Gemin wants to explain the relevance of the two formulas for a revolution that is considered successful if the explosion he meant can occur.

However, what is more commendable is his reference to the figure of Siti Khadijah, someone he understands to be very rich as a conglomerate in her time, not half-hearted in fighting and financing the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The context of this presentation, Yudha Gemin directly juxtaposes it with the fighters in Indonesia today who appear half-hearted.

This means that Yudha Gemin does focus on highlighting those who are in love with the revolution but are greedy, especially afraid to donate their wealth and riches which when they die, might become the cause of trouble for their heirs, because it is impossible to take the abundant wealth to the grave.

Yudha Gemin’s rebuttal needs to be appreciated — first because the quality of his review reference is a female figure — while Yudha Gemin himself actually has more female relations than male ones. So it is clear that his presentation on the figure of a woman of Siti Khadijah’s caliber is worthy of being an example, not just a figure to be admired, but must be emulated down to her sincere and genuine actions full of loyalty, not only to the Prophet, but also consistent with the commitment to the joint struggle for the people and the upholding of the religion that is blessed by Allah SWT.

I am happy with Yudha Gemin’s presentation because it is increasingly substantial and of high quality. So that the hope for an energetic young man like Yudha Gemin can be expected to have a glimmer of hope to become a reliable, critical writer, seeing the world around him that is closest to then looking far up to the sky with its various more complicated and more intricate pleasures.

And I see that he has started to do all of that from the most basic things and closest to himself and his own soul, which are not a few idolized by his friends of the opposite sex. And hopefully in the future, he will find his soulmate who is always turbulent, rebellious until he can be calm like the Prophet who he also idolizes. What is certain is that Yudha Gemin’s abstract power in putting forward the figure of a true fighter of Siti Khadijah’s caliber is an amazing progress in the figure of Yudha Gemin’s activist who remains persistent — even though he is faltering, he continues to carry the resistance movement from the People’s Sovereignty House “Guntur 49” to Caffe Bintang, back again to “Guntur 49”.

Menes, February 8, 2025


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