By: Irno Budi Kiswoyo, SE., MH
*Chairman of the International Journalists Association*
Journalists have always been part of the development process of the Era, their existence adorns every space and time in every line of people’s lives to the highest government agencies and even worldwide.
The journalist profession is so powerful that it cannot be separated from various aspects of human life, nature, institutions and any agency in this world, in fact nothing can be separated from the perspective of journalists, journalists are able to change everything for the better or vice versa, journalists have enormous power in the role of the World “the power of change-making journalists”.
Therefore, the International Journalists Association (ASWIN) was established to provide balance in the development of journalists in Indonesia in terms of improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) and in terms of network management.
Dear readers, Based on the personal experience of the founder of the International Journalists Association with all his concepts and formulations, he hopes that Indonesian journalists will be able to play a role not only in Indonesia but also develop to foreign countries, with their abilities/skills making them dignified journalists, having self-esteem both in their own environment and the outside world.
Many journalists are looked down upon, especially by those who know little about the meaning of journalists and do not understand the heavy tasks on the shoulders of journalists who work socially but have a multi-large burden of responsibility for the development of the times.
Therefore, journalists must continue to learn and continue to learn in order to be able to oversee every change in the times and be able to become a shelter for people who need help.
Jakarta, February 5, 2025