INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- The Situ Bolang area, Jatisura Village, Lelea District, Indramayu, has been famous as a superior cattle farm since before the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
This was stated, let’s call it a resident, when discussing cattle, which reached thousands of heads, Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
The resident continued, the cattle pen here, occupies an area of about 16 hectares, filled with 200 cattle pens.
“Each pen contains about 30-35 heads. Here there are all kinds of cattle. But the most are local cattle or people call them kacang cattle, which are crossbred,” he said.
The cattle farm in Situ Bolang is owned by 76 people, or privately owned. And every 11.00 WIB, these cattle, which number around 3,000, are released to find food or be herded and before 18.00 WIB they are put back in the pen.
To maintain the health of these cattle, the Indramayu Regency Livestock Service checks the health of the cattle every 5 days.