Al-Hidayah Vocational School Academic Community of Cirebon City Provides Assistance to Orphans and Breaks Fast Together
CIREBON CITY-ASWINNEWS.COM- The extended family of Al-Hidayah Vocational School of Cirebon City, Wednesday afternoon, March 26, 2025, carried out social activities.
In the form of providing assistance to orphans and breaking the fast together. As well as a Ramadan lecture by Ustad Iskandar Alibnu (Unyu).
This is the statement of Hasanudin, S.Sos.I, Principal of Al Hidayah Vocational School of Cirebon City to Journalist
Hasanudin further explained that this social activity was carried out well, by including the participation of OSIS, Rohis, TU Staff and full support from the Foundation.
“With collaboration and enthusiasm, from the OSIS and Rohis children, Alhamdulillah, this event can run smoothly and successfully,” said Hasanudin.
Hopefully, this event can be held every year and can be bigger.
SMK Al-Hidayah Team