Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School Jombang Achieves Achievement,29 Students Accepted at State Universities

Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School Jombang Achieves Achievement, 29 Students Accepted at State Universities

JOMBANG-ASWINEWS.Com-Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School was established in 1996 through a collaboration between the Darul Ulum Foundation led by KH As’ad Umar and PT Telkom under the leadership of Ir. Kristiono.

The establishment of this school was motivated by the Darul Ulum Foundation’s commitment to improving the quality of human resources (HR) graduates of Islamic boarding schools, with the aspiration of making this school a Leading Vocational High School.

Previously, the Darul Ulum Foundation had successfully established the Darul Ulum Leading High School in collaboration with BPPT Jakarta. With the presence of Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School, it is hoped that graduates can meet the needs of the rapidly growing telecommunications industry at that time.

Recently, Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School has again achieved a proud achievement with 29 students who were successfully accepted at State Universities (PTN) through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP).

This achievement further strengthens the school’s position as the vocational school with the largest number of students who passed the SNBP in Jombang Regency.

This success is real proof of the commitment of Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School in producing quality graduates who are ready to compete in the world of education and industry.

With the support of dedicated educators and an innovative learning environment, the school continues to strive to provide the best education for its students.

“We are very proud of this achievement. This is the result of the hard work of students, teachers, and support from parents. We will continue to be committed to improving the quality of education and producing competitive graduates,” said Nur Laila, S.Pd, in her statement to Journalist aswinnews.com, Saturday, March 22, 2025.

This achievement is also a motivation for other students who are still struggling through the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT). Darul Ulum Telecommunication Vocational School hopes that more students can achieve their dreams of continuing their education at leading universities.

“Congratulations to the students who have been successfully accepted into PTN through the SNBP pathway! For friends who are still struggling in the SNBT pathway, stay enthusiastic,” said Nur Laila, S. Pd., Principal of SMK Telkom Jombang.

ASWIN Jombang


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