Operation Ketupat Lodaya 2025 Troops, Om Zein: TNI-Polri Synergy Creates a Sense of Security.
PURWAKARTA- ASWINNEWS.COM – Located at the Purwakarta Police Headquarters Field, on Jalan Veteran, Thursday, March 20, 2025. Purwakarta Regent, Saepul Bahri Binzein and a number of other Forkopimda officials, attended the Operation Ketupat Lodaya 2025 Troops Roll Call entitled, Safe Homecoming, Comfortable Family held by the local Police.
In his statement, Om Zein, as the Purwakarta Regent is often called, emphasized the importance of synergy between agencies in maintaining security and public order during the Eid homecoming celebrations.
“Operation Ketupat Lodaya is a real form of readiness of the regional government, TNI-Polri, and all stakeholders in providing the best service for the community who will celebrate Eid al-Fitr,” said Om Zein.
He also said that all security personnel who are prepared are expected to provide a sense of security for the community during the Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah and after.
To ensure the community will and after the Eid. Then provide a sense of security in the solemnity of worship. All operational officers are expected to be sincere. Because it’s not easy. When people pass by, they want to go first while they are not allowed to go first, other people can get angry, while officers are not allowed to get angry, it’s not easy, it takes extraordinary sincerity.
Om Zein also hopes that people who will return to their hometowns in Purwakarta or who will go out of town will continue to prioritize safety when driving.
“So before going home, make sure the vehicle that will be used is in good condition or not worrying for our safety. Check the car first and don’t be reckless on the road. If there is a traffic jam, be a little patient,” said Om Zein.
Safe Homecoming, Comfortable Family.
Meanwhile, Purwakarta Police Chief, AKBP Lilik Ardhiansyah also emphasized the importance of cooperation between agencies to ensure the smoothness, security, and comfort of the community who will carry out the Lebaran homecoming. Both the TNI, Polri, Regional Government and agencies and offices in the Purwakarta Regency area in Operation Ketupat Lodaya 2025.
“Our goal is to realize the smoothness and comfort of the community who will go home and maintain the security of the houses left during the Eid celebration. Of course this is not only the responsibility of the Police, but also involves cooperation from various parties, including villages, sub-districts and other security elements,” said the Police Chief to the media crew.
In security in 2025, the Police Chief said that his party had prepared various strategies for the realization of a Safe Homecoming, Comfortable Family.
“Of course, we first learn from last year’s experience. Things that still need to be improved, we will improve this year. The most important thing is the readiness of our personnel. We have plotted proportionally together with other stakeholders of course. So we make sure that all posts will be filled by various elements,” said AKBP Lilik.
For the Purwakarta Police personnel, he mentioned 425 personnel not including TNI personnel, then from BPBD, Dishub, Satpol PP to Pramuka there are troops deployed. The Police Chief also emphasized that this security task is a mandate and part of the service to the community.
“We sacrifice time and energy to ensure that our brothers and sisters who will carry out the Eid al-Fitr worship can feel joy and happiness calmly and safely, that is a noble worship,” said Lilik.
In addition, the Police Chief also reminded the importance of maintaining the health of security members. “We will ensure the health of our members to remain prime in carrying out their duties. We also coordinate with related parties including the Traffic Police to monitor traffic conditions and provide information through various media, both conventional and digital,” he said.
AKBP Llik also reminded drivers and the public to always prioritize safety during the homecoming trip.