Two Kitchens of Thought After the Determination of the Pair of Regent and Deputy Regent of Indramayu 2025-2030

Two Kitchens of Thought After the Determination of the Pair of Regent and Deputy Regent of Indramayu 2025-2030

By: H. Dudung Badrun, SH MH
Legal Practitioner & Political Observer

Political Dynamics in Indramayu After the Determination of the Pair of Luki Hakim and Saefudin as Regent of Indramayu and Deputy Regent of Indramayu for the period 2025-2030.

What is interesting is that the friction between Regent Luki and Deputy Regent Saefudin has begun to be detected with the following indicators;

First, their body language shows their respective identities, namely Luki Hakim with the entity I am Luki Hakim, while Saefudin with reang beberes dermayu.

Second, the momentum of the absence of Regent Luki Hakim in Indramayu due to attending a briefing in Magelang, was utilized by Saefudin by issuing a circular with the letterhead of the Deputy Regent of Indramayu, regarding the appeal to respect the Ramadan fast and provide direction to the SKPD of the Indramayu Regional Government.

Third, the Deputy Regent of Indramayu Saefudin controlled team 18, namely the transition team, while Regent Luki Hakim strengthened himself by accepting the Ir. Kardaya team, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra Party and the Development Partner Committee formed by the Indramayu Diaspora which was commanded by Prof. Komarudin, who is the Chancellor of the Jakarta State University.

The two brainstorming chambers of the Regent of Indramayu and the Deputy Regent of Indramayu, should be published and can be connected to the Indramayu Regional Medium-Term Development Plan 2025-2030, so that Regent Luki Hakim and Deputy Regent Saefudin can fulfill public acceptance of it.

South Indramayu, March 19, 2025


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