Following Up on Residents’ Complaints, Deputy Regent Muzamil Reviews PLN Selatpanjang Power Plant
MERANTI – ASWINNEWS.COM – Deputy Regent of Meranti Islands, Muzamil Baharudin, directly reviewed the PLN ULP Selatpanjang Power Plant in Gogok Darussalam Village, West Tebingtinggi District, on Thursday (6/3/2025). This visit was carried out in response to public complaints regarding the rolling blackouts that have occurred in recent times.
“We want to see the conditions in the field firsthand and find the best solution, because these blackouts have become a concern for the community,” said Muzamil at the location.
On that occasion, Muzamil revealed that PLN had brought in several new machine units to increase the capacity of electrical power.
“Alhamdulillah, today several new machine units will be brought in to increase the electricity supply. Hopefully this can maintain power stability and reduce rolling blackouts,” he explained.
He hopes that with the addition of this machine, the electricity supply in Selatpanjang and its surroundings can return to normal, so that community activities are no longer disrupted, especially ahead of the holy month of Ramadan.
“This is certainly good news for the community. The local government will continue to monitor and ensure that electricity needs are met,” said Muzamil.
Also accompanying the review were the Head of the Selatpanjang PLN ULP, Dali Priasmoro, and the Head of the PUPR Office of the Meranti Islands, Fajar Triasmoko.
Author Rudi
Editor Ardes