SMPN 3 Sindang Holds Sanlat For Teen’s Collaboration with Madrasah Tahfidz Ulil Albab
INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- In filling the activities to welcome the arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadan, Muslims carry out various activities to be able to maximize worship and do things that are rewarded, and are useful for the whole month.
SMPN 3 Sindang uses this Holy Month to educate their beloved sons and daughters. Generally, parents will look for useful activities for their children, so that they become pious, high-achieving, polite, and superior-character individuals.
Activities that can provide an understanding of the nature of Islamic teachings, the essence of the Month of Ramadan, the Creator, and the future that their beloved sons and daughters hope for. For this reason, the school collaborates with Madrasah Tahfidz Ulil Albab Indramayu
by presenting a special program entitled “PESANTREN KILAT (SANLAT) RAMADHAN FOR TEENS”.
Head of the Pesantren Kilat Ramadhan Executive Board, Suniyah, S. Ag. when contacted by the media, Thursday (06/03) said that junior high school-aged teenagers need to be equipped with an understanding and habituation of Islamic teachings. This Ramadan is the best opportunity to provide supplies and character building and understanding of Islam with a youth approach.
“The material provided includes aqidah, sharia, morals, Islamic dates, Al-Quran studies, tajwid and memorization of prayers and short verses,” concluded Suniyah.
Meanwhile, the Principal of SMPN 3 Sindang, Hj. Ani Hanifah, S. Pd. M. Pd. when asked for her comments on the implementation of the Ramadhan short-term Islamic boarding school activities said that in implementing this Islamic boarding school we collaborated with Madrosah Tahfidz Ulil Albab Indramayu to create a different atmosphere like in Islamic boarding schools. The time starts Thursday – Monday, March 6-10, 2025 for all grade levels. Female and male students are separated based on grade level. Because for female students there is special material on women’s fiqh.
“The purpose of Islamic boarding schools is to increase devotion to Allah SWT. Hopefully this knowledge can be a provision in everyday life for students,” said Ani.
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