Students’ Critical Attitudes Need to be Appreciated and Get a Place for the Future That Will Be Theirs Tomorrow

Students’ Critical Attitudes Need to be Appreciated and Get a Place for the Future That Will Be Theirs Tomorrow

By,Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

Indonesia is dark, this is what students say who see Indonesia from a bright position. So that it is very difficult to touch, especially in an instant what has been decided can change, like soybeans until tomorrow it has changed into tempeh. This proverb is the same as Indonesia’s weather today which rains erratically. So that weather experts are confused about guessing what will happen in the next few seconds. So indeed the changes are quite fast, such as the cancellation of the right to cultivate (HGU) and the certificate of ownership (SHM) on the North coast of Tangerang, Banten.

The same is true of a number of corruption suspects who have quietly become quiet from the noise of opinion. So that experts are also serious about saying no viral no justice. This means that in a foreign language it is intended to not need to become the knowledge of the majority of the people who since the proclamation was declared for this republic, the poor and ignorant must be given top priority to be resolved. The reality is that until today, it is still dark where the poor and the ignorant are hidden. In fact, the compulsory education program and the disbursement of scholarship funds have been divided up. Has it really reached those who are entitled? Could it be that the science of distributing 500 trillion rupiah in social assistance is also imitating the method of embezzling funds from various projects that always claim to be for and for the people.

Dark Indonesia in the eyes of students needs to be understood in a humble way. At least, what students say can be taken as a form of their concern for the future of the Indonesian nation and state which they will inherit in full to be passed on to the next generation. After all, Indonesia should not stop at today’s generation. Because tomorrow there will still be a generation that will continue the legacy they received must be in good condition. Although it does not have to be the best.

At least, that is the dynamic in education which does not solely rely on reading dictates and sitting pretty in the campus library. Because science and knowledge and applied skills are what can make the output of educational institutions – at any level – is the implementation and practice of real work in the field in the cultural diversity of the surrounding community.

Therefore, the problem of dark views about Indonesia today needs to be given the opportunity to be reflected on. After all, many parties have often said that Indonesia is not in a good condition, because there are things that are felt to be unhealthy, just to say that the condition is sick.

Starting from the noise of corruption that has not stopped, to the implementation of the law that has been misused on various occasions to efforts to improve the welfare of the people which have actually declined. Moreover, it is then marked by mass layoffs that have occurred in various companies and regions, there is no real solution to overcome it so that it does not cause access that can cause more losses, or even a flood of victims that cannot be predicted and overcome.

The critical attitude of students in recent times that seems to be rising and showing their patriotic passion for the Indonesian nation and state is worthy of appreciation, as a manifestation of national and state awareness to enter the era of Golden Indonesia in 2045 which has been a dream of freedom in the form of oppression of any kind for too long. At least maybe only then can students build their authentic critical attitude to prepare themselves to face the future that they must face in the way and style they have.

Banten, February 23, 2025


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