Joint Study of the Spiritual Generation on the Verse of Self in the Language of the Earth

Joint Study of the Spiritual Generation on the Verse of Self in the Language of the Earth

By: Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

The second joint dialogue with the Spiritual Generation for all, March 17, 2024, took place at the GMRI (Indonesian Moral Reconciliation Movement) Secretariat, Jl. Juanda No. 4 A, Central Jakarta, which was attended by around 20 participants, generally young people from various religious and educational backgrounds.

Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu’s sermon, which was full of fasting nuances, ended with a breaking of the fast together with special snacks, Ayam Ancur and Soto Gubeng.

The essence of the main spiritual practice is not only using reason, but also prioritizing the eyes of the heart.

The Nusa Natara nation, which is the foundation of culture as intended by Sunda Land — as the oldest nation in the world — is an extraordinary potential that has received a special gift from God. Starting from natural wealth to extraordinary natural potential. In Prof. Yudhie Haryono Ph.D., the verses of Nusantara (Baca Nusantara Studies, 2018) are the extinction of the Atlantic, the disappearance of the majesty of heaven, and the sinking of the world’s chessboard. So what grows is the remnants of civilization even though it continues to try to rise. And this short diaspora, he said, is Nusa Antara.

Then the history of the leadership of the Nusantara nation that was once glorious in the past — before being united into one nation, namely Indonesia — explained Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu is truly extraordinary. Therefore, according to this Nusantara Spiritual Leader, the history of the glory of the Nusantara ethnic group should not be cut off only to the year 1928 which was marked by the Youth Pledge or the independence of the Indonesian nation on August 17, 1945.

The discussion theme “Recognizing the Verses of Self as the Fruit of the Path of Life” is intended to understand the identity of each participant in order to explore the spiritual dimension as the basic potential of every human being who has faith in the teachings and guidance of religion.

The verse of self as the fruit of the path of life means understanding the entire meaning of the human self as God’s most noble creation and as a caliph on earth.

The point is to reflect and analyze the nature and attitude towards life and life together with the participants who are present by presenting hopes that can be better achieved.

Present with Edo and Nabila as the driving force of Generation S (Spiritual to All) including, Katon, Yudhi Wahyudi, Hendro Alius, Nurdiansyah, Friska Adi Pratama, Nathan, Bastian, Indira and Alexa. This joint study event, according to Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu, is expected to take place every week with the most relevant schedule and topics to accelerate the pace of the spiritual awakening movement in Indonesia with the younger generation.

Therefore, the joint study of the Spiritual Generation part two also starts from the basic potential of humans who have the belief to get closer to God with the provision of religion embraced by each person who wants to get happiness in life, so as not to get caught up in worldly things. The young generation’s passion for spiritual practices can be understood as part of the awakening awareness and spiritual understanding that is writhing to rise to answer the challenges of the times. Or more exciting and very scary as Samuel P. Huntington called the clash of civilizations. And a sign of the revival of spiritualism in the world, although it cannot be understood as a sign of the revival of religion.

Jakarta, February 18, 2025


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