
Breaking Fast Together and Donations for Orphans in Mojo Krapak Tembelang Jombang

Breaking Fast Together and Donations for Orphans in Mojo Krapak, Tembelang, Jombang

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- The extended family of Mas Bams Sena and Mbak Adinda held a breaking fast together and donations for orphans in Mojo Krapak Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency, on Saturday afternoon, March 29, 2025.

This event was attended by various elements of society, including religious leaders, youth, and local communities.

This was conveyed directly by Journalist, Jombang, from the location of the activity.

In addition to breaking the fast together, this activity was also an event to share by providing donations to orphans in the area. This event received support from the Jombang Regency Master of Ceremony Association (PERMACO), which participated in making the event a success by presenting an atmosphere full of warmth and togetherness.

Interestingly, this event also collaborated with the Association of Turtle Dove Lovers and Keris Lovers of Jombang Regency, which contributed to strengthening ties and preserving culture and traditions among the people of Jombang.

In his speech, Mas Bams Sena expressed his gratitude to the invited guests and all the local residents who had helped organize this event.

“I personally would like to thank all the invitees and neighbors on the right and left who have helped this event from start to finish. I also apologize if the place and food were not pleasing to all of you. Please pray for me, hopefully I can consistently provide assistance to orphans once a year,” he said.

The people who attended appreciated this activity and hoped that in the coming years similar activities could continue to be held to help orphans and the poor in Jombang.

Mif, Jombang Bureau


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