INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- The formation of the Indramayu Regency Government Development Partner Committee for the 2025-2030 period is still considered very lacking and fundamental, namely Finance and Regional Asset Management, Spatial Planning, Forestry, Mining, Land and Irrigation, Poverty Alleviation, Manpower, Eradication of TPPO, Eradication of Narcotics and Drug Abuse, Trade and Industry.
This was conveyed by H.D.Badrun, S.H.MH, an advocate and political observer in Segeran Kidul Village, Indramayu, Thursday, March 27, 2025, to the Editor of
“These fields have not been mentioned,” he said.
Badrun further explained that this Development Partner Committee can be interpreted as,
*First, legitimizing the community that calls the Diaspora Community is not representative of all strata of Indramayu Society.
*Second, it is not a BAPPEDA Expert Staff so that the Indramayu Regency Government is obliged to finance the Indramayu Development Partner Committee Activities from the Indramayu Regional Budget.
*Third, there is an opportunity for certain Indramayu Development Partner Committee individuals to attract the interests of their cronies, to carry out collusion and corruption in the policies and implementation of the Indramayu Regional Budget in the era of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Indramayu Luki Hakim, Saefudin during his period, namely from 2025-2029.
*Fourth, it is very easy for APH to slip into targeting Corruption Cases because the Indramayu Development Partner Committee is not explained as being funded by the Indramayu Regional Budget, the job description, work procedures and legal basis for its institutions in the Indramayu Regional Government Work Unit are unclear.
Badrun hopes that the local government with the support and hard work of the Committee can fulfill the hopes of the Indramayu community.
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