NU Care-LAZISNU Megaluh Holds Ramadhan 1446 H Charity, a Form of Concern and Togetherness
MEGALUH-ASWINNEWS.COM – In the spirit of caring and sharing blessings in the holy month of Ramadhan, the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Megaluh Branch Management of Jombang Regency, through the Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah Collection Unit (UPZIS NU Care-LAZISNU) held a Ramadhan 1446 H Charity event. This event aims to help people in need, strengthen ties, and foster a sense of togetherness among Muslims.
This activity took place on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at the Al-Khoir Mosque, Megaluh, at 15.30 WIB (After Asr). The assistance was given to Nadliyin residents in Megaluh Village who had been registered as beneficiaries, including those with serial number 128.
The Head of UPZIS NU Care-LAZISNU Megaluh, M. Arsyad Amrullah, S.Pd, said that this assistance is part of NU’s commitment to helping the community, especially in this blessed holy month.
“This assistance is a real form of the spirit of mutual cooperation and social concern taught in Islam. We hope that this assistance can provide benefits for our brothers and sisters in need and further strengthen the sense of togetherness in this month of Ramadan,” said M. Arsyad Amrullah.
The Secretary of UPZIS NU Care-LAZISNU Megaluh, Moh. Usman, also invited the community to continue to support and contribute to NU’s socio-religious programs.
“We hope that activities like this can continue to run every year with the support of the entire community. Hopefully what we do will be a field of reward for all of us,” said Moh. Usman.
This event also received full support from the management of the UPZISNU Deputy Branch Council (MWC) Megaluh, who were present to provide encouragement to the recipients of the assistance. Not only that, in order to ensure the smoothness and security of the event, as many as five warriors from Banom NU Pagar Nusa also participated in the security, showing a strong synergy between NU and its autonomous bodies.
With the implementation of this activity, NU Care-LAZISNU Megaluh continues to show its commitment to spreading benefits and blessings to the people, in line with the spirit of “Caring for the Universe, Building Civilization.”
Mif, Jombang bureau