Dogiyai Regent Yudas Tebai Invites the Community to Work Together to Build the Region
DOGIYAI-ASWINNEWS.COM- On the occasion of delivering a speech through a thanksgiving prayer for his victory as Regent and Deputy Regent of Dogiyai Regency for the 2025-2030 period, Yudas Tebai, S.Pd, M.Si said that all stakeholders must join hands in building Dogiyai Regency towards a Smart, Strong and Advanced Dogiyai Together.
This was conveyed by Dogiyai Regent Yudas Tebai, in his speech on Tuesday, (03/25/2025).
As Regent, of course there are many responsibilities that must be made and carried out in the wheels of government in Dogiyai Regency.
Therefore, the Deputy Regent and I want to emphasize that we must work together to open access to health education and employment for our community, in addition to implementing good city governance. Build workplaces and how to strengthen the agricultural and fisheries sectors.
“We two were chosen by the people of this country, this is not something easy and simple for me, this is a big responsibility entrusted by God and the people to me and the deputy regent, for that, I invite all of us to join hands in building this region,” said Regent Yudas Tebai.
*Press Release
*Aleks Waine, Papua
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