Servant,and Servant and Servant for Sri Eko Sriyanto for Future Civilization Based on Spirituality

Servant, and Servant and Servant for Sri Eko Sriyanto for Future Civilization Based on Spirituality

By,Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

Servant, servant and servant, this is the position of Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu as the Spiritual Leader of the Archipelago who has persistently grounded the movement for the awakening of spiritual awareness and understanding since thirty years ago with a number of figures such as Susuhunan Paku Buwono XII, His Dur, Prof. Dr. (HC) KH. Muhammad Habib Khirzin and other religious leaders through GMRI (Indonesian Moral Reconciliation Movement) until now has never tired while preparing a meeting of the brotherhood of world spiritual figures in Indonesia who he considers worthy and worthy to be the driving force for the awakening of spiritual awareness and understanding for the most ideal world civilization in the future.

His position as a servant, and servant and servant for all religious people and nations in the world, he acknowledged with full awareness, during the routine Monday-Thursday dialogue at the GMRI Secretariat on March 19, 2025, so that a number of sacrifices that he has made without regret for attention, time until his belongings are willingly given up for the sake of and for the awakening of awareness and understanding of spirituality which he strongly believes is able to fix the order of human life through behavior that is ethically noble, morally good and strong so that it has morals that receive blessings from heaven for human life on earth.

Because according to his beliefs and beliefs as the Spiritual Leader of the Archipelago, to improve human ethics, morals and morals it is impossible to do through politics and is not enough with knowledge or economic capabilities that are almost aground in understanding and understanding and spiritual intelligence, because human ethics, morals and morals are based on religion which can only be done by religious leaders who can be used as role models. The rest can only be accompanied by cultural figures who have intelligence and awareness and spiritual understanding.

Human ethics, morals and noble morals as a blessing from the Almighty and Almighty can only be protected and maintained in their glory through the most qualified and responsible religious figures who are responsible for upholding the integrity of the noble values ​​of humans who have a mandate and trust from God as khalifatullah – God’s representatives – on earth. Because humans are the only creatures trusted by Allah SWT as leaders to take care of everything that exists and happens on earth.

Apart from that, only khalifatullah – in an Islamic perspective – is a creature capable of carrying out sunnatullah – to lead human life on earth. As for sunnatullah, it is the path guided by Allah SWT. Or God’s way which receives blessing from the earth and sky, or the universe and everything in it, including all God’s creatures.

Sunnatullah is the decree of Allah SWT – the right path must be obeyed by all creatures without exception for humans without being denied in order to achieve happiness and salvation. That is sunnatullah which can be understood as natural law, as part of God’s creation and power.

It is in this similar context that Sri Eko Sriyanto Galgendu positions himself as a logical consequence of the spiritual leadership he holds, convinced and believes that he is nothing more than a servant, servant and servant for the good of the people. Because of that, his position as a servant, and servant and servant feels obliged to link all religious communities, from various nations and countries to find an agreement in togetherness to organize the world together to be better in a civilization order that honors humans.

Jakarta, March 19, 2025


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