Gus Sentot and Srikandi Pemuda Pancasila Jombang Share Takjil
JOMBANG-ASWINNNEWS.COM- A social activity of sharing 1,000 boxes of takjil for breaking the fast, was carried out by Srikandi Pemuda Pancasila Jombang in the area of Jln Raya Sumatera, Plandi Jombang, Sunday afternoon, March 23, 2025.
This was conveyed directly by Journalist, Ida Nurmahwati, Sunday afternoon, March 23, 2025.
This social activity was initiated by Srikandi Pemuda Pancasila Jombang, attended by Srikandi Chairperson Ir. Hidayati Nur Rohman, Srikandi Deputy Chairperson Erna Wijaya and M. Syarif Hidayatullah (Gus Sentot) Chairperson of Pemuda Pancasila Jombang.
According to Ir. Hidayati, sharing breaking the fast is a high-value part of worship in the month of Ramadan, which is equal to the reward of fasting forty days.
“We, Srikandi Pancasila Jombang hope that social activities like this can be carried out by all levels of society so that a bond of Muslim brotherhood can be created in Indonesia,” hoped Ir. Hidayati.
Ida N
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