North Sumatera Governor Inaugurates Madina Regent And Deputy Regent Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution inaugurated H. Saipullah Nasution and Atika Azmi Utammmi Nasution as the elected regent and deputy regent from the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections at the Raja Inal Siregar Hall, Gubsu Office, Medan, on Friday, March 21, 2025.
The solemn inauguration was attended by the North Sumatra and Madina Forkopimda, heads of OPDs of the two governments, families of the regent and deputy regent, heads of supporting and supporting parties, and invitees.
The inauguration began at around 10:10 WIB and ended at exactly 10:25. This monumental event began with the reading of the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs concerning the Second Amendment to the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number of 2025 concerning the Ratification of the Appointment of Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads in Regencies and Cities Resulting from the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections for the 2025-2030 Term.
“I need to remind you that the oath that you will take contains a responsibility towards the nation and state of the Republic of Indonesia, the responsibility to maintain and save Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution,” said Governor Bobby before leading the oath of office of the regent and deputy regent.
Governor Bobby reminded that the oath that was taken was witnessed by God Almighty. Therefore, he emphasized that the oath of office must be taken with awareness and a sincere will and fulfilled with full sincerity.
After leading Regent Saipullah and Deputy Regent Atika to take the oath of office, Governor Bobby then delivered the inauguration remarks followed by the signing of the integrity fact.
In his direction, Governor Bobby said that Madina is a region with almost complete natural resources. “Some regencies/cities in North Sumatra may only excel in agriculture, no minerals, no tourism, but in Mandailing Natal it is almost complete,” he said.
To that end, the governor asked Regent Saipullah and Deputy Regent Atika during their term of office to be able to make the existing potential into an advantage. “President Prabowo’s message is that the potential in the region becomes superior, the main goal is the welfare of the community,” he said.
Regent Saipullah accompanied by Deputy Regent Atika Azmi who was interviewed after the event said that he would immediately leave for Madina. Regarding the first day of office, he said that he would follow the schedule prepared by the protocol.
With this inauguration, all regions in North Sumatra, consisting of 33 regencies/cities and one province, have officially had regional heads as a result of the 2024 simultaneous elections.
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