
Mrs.Yupri Astuti Inaugurated as Chair of TP PKK Madina for the 2025-2030

Mrs. Yupri Astuti Inaugurated as Chair of TP PKK Madina for the 2025-2030 Term Mrs.Yupri Astuti Saipullah Nasution was inaugurated as the Chair of the Family Empowerment and Welfare Movement Team (TP PKK) of Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency as well as the Chair of the Regional National Craft Council (Dekranasda) and the Posyandu Supervisor for the 2025-2030 term.

The wife of the Madina regent was inaugurated by the Chair of TP PKK North Sumatra Kahiyang Ayu Bobby Afif Nasution at the Raja Inal Siregar Hall, North Sumatra Governor’s Office, on Friday, March 21, 2025. This inauguration took place after H. Saipullah Nasution and Atika Azmi Utammi Nasution were inaugurated.

Before inaugurating Mrs. Yupri Astuti, Mrs. Kahiyang first honorably dismissed the previous TP PKK chair because her term of office had ended. She also thanked her for her dedication during her tenure.

In her direction, Mrs. Kahiyang Ayu asked regional heads to support the Dekranasda, TP PKK, and Posyandu programs. “We ask for collaboration from regional heads to support the program,” she said.

The wife of the Governor of North Sumatra also reminded Mrs. Yupri Astuti to build good communication with similar organizations at the provincial level. She emphasized the importance of collaboration in achieving work targets and work programs.

Mrs. Yupri Astuti admitted that she was ready to carry out the mandate as the chair of Dekranasda, chair of TP PKK, and Supervisor of Posyandu Madina. She said she would prioritize collaboration, both with the Madina Regency Government and the North Sumatra Provincial Government. “As well as implementing the priority programs of the central government related to our work in the three organizations,” she said.

Mrs. Yupri Astuti emphasized that all programs must lead to the welfare of the community. “We have listened to the message of the President delivered by the Governor, the main goal is the welfare of the people,” he concluded.

Chairman of ASWIN Madina
Syamasuddin Nasution


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