
BSI Provides Assistance to 25 Orphan Students of MI Darul Hikam Cirebon City

BSI Provides Assistance to 25 Orphan Students of MI Darul Hikam, Cirebon City

CIREBON CITY – ASWINNEWS.COM – A total of 25 orphan students at MI Darul Hikam, Cirebon City received assistance of IDR 15 million from Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).

This event took place at the MI Darul Hikam Hall on Friday, 21/03/2025, attended by the Head of MI Darul Hikam, Lili Lathifah, S.Ag., guardians, and representatives from BSI, Nana.

In her remarks, Lili Lathifah expressed her gratitude and thanks for the assistance given to orphan students at her madrasah.

“This assistance means a lot to our children. Hopefully it will bring blessings and be a motivation for them to continue learning with enthusiasm,” she told Journalist, 21/03/2025.

In addition to financial assistance, this activity also serves as a means of fostering friendship between the madrasah, parents, and donors.

The Head of MI Darul Hikam hopes that this kind of support can continue for the welfare and education of orphaned students.

BSI representative, Nana, emphasized that this assistance is a form of BSI’s concern in supporting the world of education, especially for children in need.

“We hope that this assistance can help meet the needs of students and provide sustainable benefits,” he said.

The event ended with a joint prayer, led by one of the teachers of MI Darul Hikam, so that this assistance will bring blessings to the recipients and those who have contributed.

Report: Abah Roy
Head of DPC Aswin, Cirebon City


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