BNNK Cirebon Together with the City Government,Bamagnas,and BRI Distribute 250 Takjil Packages

BNNK Cirebon Together with the City Government, Bamagnas, and BRI Distribute 250 Takjil Packages

CIREBON CITY-ASWINNEWS.COM – In order to commemorate its 23rd Anniversary (HUT), the Cirebon City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) held a social action by distributing 250 takjil packages to the community at Alun-Alun Kejaksan, Cirebon City, on Friday afternoon, March 21, 2025.

This activity is a collaboration between BNNK Cirebon, the Cirebon City Government, the Cirebon National Inter-Church Deliberative Body (Bamagnas), and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).

In addition to being a form of concern for the community during the month of Ramadan, this activity also aims to strengthen the ‘Save the Nation’s Children Without Drugs’ campaign and build a spirit of tolerance between religious communities in Cirebon City.

The event was attended by various important figures, including, the Mayor of Cirebon Efendi Edo, the Head of Cirebon BNNK, Senior Commissioner (Pol) Tunggul Sinatrio, Catholic Religious Figure Father Hadi, Hindu Religious Figure Father Nengah, Buddhist Religious Figure Father Jonawi, Head of DPD BAMAGNAS Adirao, and Head of BRI Branch Dody.

In his remarks, the Mayor of Cirebon Efendi Edo appreciated the synergy between various parties in creating activities that are beneficial to the community.

He emphasized that collaboration like this is a real example of maintaining togetherness and strengthening unity in the City of Cirebon.

Meanwhile, the Head of Cirebon BNNK, Senior Commissioner (Pol) Tunggul Sinatrio said that in addition to law enforcement, drug prevention efforts must also be carried out through a social and educational approach.

According to him, activities like this can be an effective means of spreading awareness about the dangers of drugs and strengthening community solidarity.

The community who attended welcomed this initiative and hoped that similar activities could continue to be carried out in the future. In addition to getting takjil to break the fast, they also received education about the dangers of drugs and the importance of maintaining a clean environment from drug abuse.

With this activity, it is hoped that public awareness of the dangers of drugs will increase, and the spirit of togetherness between religious communities will be stronger in Cirebon City.

Abah Roy
Chairman of DPC ASWIN Cirebon City


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