Acting Head of Bantan Tua Village,Ners Harmidayanti,S.Kep Leads Village Level Bukber Activities

Acting Head of Bantan Tua Village, Ners Harmidayanti, S.Kep Leads Village-Level Bukber Activities

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM — In order to improve friendship and strengthen togetherness in the holy month of Ramadan, Acting Head of Bantan Tua Village, Ners Harmidayanti, S.Kep, directly led the Joint Fast-Breaking (Bukber) activity held by the Bantan Tua Village Government, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency, Saturday (22/03/2025).

The event which took place in the hall of the Bantan Tua Village Office was attended by all village officials, staff of Bumdesa Payung Harapan, USP Karya Bersama, health workers from Polindes, Village Assistants and Religious Counselors.

In her remarks, Ners Harmidayanti emphasized the importance of togetherness and mutual cooperation as the key to success in village development. She also invited all participants to make the Ramadan moment the right time to strengthen social ties and a sense of caring for each other in the community.

“This breaking fast activity is not just a ceremonial breaking of the fast. This is a manifestation of our togetherness, strengthening ties, and strengthening commitment in serving the people of Bantan Tua Village,” said Ners Harmidayanti.

As a leader who is known to be close to the community, Ners Harmidayanti also advised all village officials to continue to improve services to residents. According to her, the success of village development cannot be separated from the synergy and solidarity of all elements of society.

The breaking fast activity began with a discussion about the progress of the village and did not forget to invite all attendees to take advantage of the month of Ramadan by increasing their acts of worship and sharing with each other. After the Maghrib call to prayer sounded, the Acting Village Head and all invited guests broke their fast together with simple but warm dishes.

The event was then closed with a joint prayer, asking for blessings for Bantan Tua Village and ease in carrying out future development programs.

“Hopefully this togetherness will continue to be maintained, and Bantan Tua Village will become more advanced and prosperous,” concluded Ners Harmidayanti.

Author Ardes


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