
Traffic Accident in Jombang,One Rider Suffers Minor Injuries

Traffic Accident in Jombang, One Rider Suffers Minor Injuries

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- On Thursday night (20/3) at around 21.30 WIB, a traffic accident occurred on Jalan Raya Patimura, Sengon Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency. This incident involved two motorcycles, namely Yamaha Vega and Yamaha Byson.

From the information gathered, the Yamaha Vega motorcycle with police number S-4857-OBM was ridden by Mohammad Zaikrul (14), a student from Siwalan Hamlet, Mojoyolosari Village, Gudo District, Jombang. As a result of this accident, Zaikrul suffered minor injuries and received treatment at the Jombang Regency Hospital.

Meanwhile, the Yamaha Byson rider with police number S-6982-WJ, Daniel Tinambunan (25), a resident of Jl. Bougenville Complex, Kenali Besar, Jambi City, did not suffer any injuries in the incident.

According to the police report, there were no fatalities or serious injuries in the incident. The exact cause of the accident is still under further investigation by the authorities, as stated by the Head of Gakkum Satlantas Polres Jombang, Ipda Siswanto, when clarified by Journalist, Friday, March 21, 2025.

The police appealed to drivers to always be careful when driving and obey traffic regulations to avoid accidents on the road.



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