Terror Against Press Institutions and Personnel Must Be Countered

Terror Against Press Institutions and Personnel Must Be Countered

By: Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

Terror against the press as an institution or journalists as press workers is truly barbaric. Because such terror clearly shows anti-criticism towards news that is broadcast widely to the public. If there is indeed a sense of objection to the news presented by the media or a report made by a journalist, then anyone who objects to the publication in question can provide the right of reply or objection to the presentation presented in accordance with the applicable legal order as regulated in Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press so as not to violate human rights as regulated in Article 4 of Law No. 40 of 1999.

The act of terror by sending a piece of pig’s head to the Tempo Media Office on March 19, 2025 in a cardboard box for Francisca Christy Rosana as a Tempo Media journalist shows that the culture of democracy in Indonesia is still underdeveloped. It seems that there is still a primitive culture that needs to be fixed and must receive serious attention from the government so that such cruel behavior will no longer occur in the future. Because the function of press media control over the hard work and perseverance of media crews deserves to be appreciated to maintain good order for all parties, not for personal or group interests.

Therefore, the authorities, starting from the Ministry of Information and Digital of the Republic of Indonesia must also investigate and reveal who the perpetrators of the terror are. If not, the problem will not only disturb the managers of press institutions and journalist workers in Indonesia, but will also become a bad image of the nation’s civilization in the eyes of foreign nations. Apart from that, of course it will cause unrest, worry and discomfort for press workers to carry out their functions and duties as social control for and for the community.

Law enforcement officers should thoroughly investigate the cruel behavior by terrorizing publishing institutions and press workers by sending pieces of pig’s head which seem very disgusting, especially during the month of Ramadan, when Muslims are fasting.

This terror by sending pig heads is also a challenge for the government, especially law enforcement officers and agencies related to publishing institutions and the press profession to be able to prove that the investigation and investigation work of law enforcement officers is able to carry out its work professionally, in accordance with its functions and duties to work for the people.

Publishing institutions and press workers need to officially report to the security and law enforcement officers about the terror that occurred, so that it does not happen again in the future. And for press institutions and press workers, they must not back down from facing terror such as sending pig heads, because without publishing media and the work of strong press personnel, this world — not just Indonesia — will experience very frightening darkness.

Banten, March 21, 2025


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