HMI, Tadabur and the Struggle Order
By: Rohmin Ramudiyah Arifin
Chairman of HMI Commissariat KH. Ahmad Dahlan Ummu Ternate.
HMI must be able to trace and actualize holy verses that discuss struggle. HMI as an organization based on Islam and siding with the truth certainly has a moral responsibility in answering social-horizontal problems, not only monotonously on spiritual-vertical.
The Basic Values of Struggle or NDP HMI, should be a valuable da’wah modality for the lives of the people and nation. For that, HMI should believe in the contents of the naqliyah and aqliyah knowledge contained in the NDP HMI, then practice it to every human being on earth.
HMI must not be lethargic, let alone mourn the rampant injustice. HMI must stand as a driving motto in controlling existing problems, such as social inequality, economy, politics, law, culture, human rights, ecology, education, health, agriculture, fisheries, defense, security, religion and others.
HMI must escape from the prison of fear. HMI must destroy a series of idols within itself. Considering that fear, ego, and laziness often become obstacles and boomerangs for HMI when carrying out its mission of struggle.
HMI has been crushed and alienated enough in the social space. To the point that the cries of the oppressed are not responded to and interpreted as a social law that must be carried out by HMI and other elements.
Awareness classes should not only be limited to HMI Cadres and Students, because many people want direct contact from Students or Cadres. HMI must return to its origins. Where truth is God’s will that cannot be negotiated. Therefore, there is no reason to stop calling for goodness/truth. Because that is the path to true offerings.
Almost all verses in the Qur’an signal revolution. For example, the verses that are metaphorized in the Qur’an, use many natural symbols that contain explanations of natural phenomena. Such as “dry land then rain is sent down to provide fertility”. The verse above, if only viewed in a textual approach, then anyone who reads it will conclude that the verse explains the process of natural phenomena to complement each other. In fact, behind the verse containing metaphorical language, there is an important message about revolution.
Furthermore, the human mind algorithm will work with a hermeneutic approach that the process of natural phenomena is a command to one group of humans (rain/wet category) to another human (barren/dry category) in terms of providing enlightenment, warnings, liberation, overcoming poverty, illiteracy, education and others, depending on the situation and conditions.
This writing also becomes a boomerang as well as a warning that there is an obligation that is missed in the HMI fighting consciousness, where the HMI Full Cadre should be the reincarnation of the prophets in continuing their struggle, especially the Prophet Muhammad SAW to his family, not neglecting it.
That is why the reflection of historical traces has become a separate note for all HMI cadres lately, that we need to search, interpret and then formulate verses of struggle according to current challenges, conditions and situations, then actualize them in the form of real movements.
In short, the format of the contemporary HMI movement must start from research and library research on holy verses that discuss struggle as initial material needs; Then, the results give birth to a codification format called social law or movement ideology (temporary and conditional in nature); Then social law becomes capital in formulating strategies-tactics and entering the phase of actualizing social jihad as a manifesto of social law; finally evaluation. Once again, this format is temporary, conditional and carried out cyclically.
The social law or movement ideology mentioned above does not at all intend to displace the HMI NDP.
However, today’s problems must be answered through a concise, simple and easy-to-understand explanation, so that the general public is able to digest the intent of the HMI struggle orientation.
Ternate,Malut,March 21,2025