Ahead of Lebaran, Cirebon Regency PU Agency Accelerates Gebang Pabuaran Road Repairs
GEBANG, CIREBON-ASWINNEWS.COM- Ahead of Lebaran 2025 which is only a matter of days away, now the Cirebon Regency Government is actively repairing damaged and potholed roads, along Gebang District to Pabuaran District, Cirebon.
The damaged roads include, some in the Gebang Pasar area, Babakan from the sugar factory to the market, Kudukeras in front of the Gas Station and Pabuaran Wetan before the Train Tracks.
The repair work was given a period of six days, starting from March 16, 2025 to March 22, 2025.
“The repair is estimated to be approximately 8 km long, and will be completed tomorrow (22/03),” explained Casmadi, the work implementer, Friday, March 21, 2025.
With the repair, although not perfect, the people around Gebang to Pabuaran, Cirebon Regency in particular, are very happy because they can carry out their activities safely and comfortably. Moreover, they will soon welcome Eid al-Fitr 1446 H.
Travelers from outside the city of Cirebon will feel their journey is smooth and comfortable, on their homecoming trip for Eid in 2025.
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