Riau Police Chief Emphasizes Humanist and Integrity-based Police in Commander Wish 2025
PEKANBARU –ASWINNEWS.COM – Riau Police Chief, Inspector General Herry Heryawan, emphasized the Riau Police’s commitment to supporting the government’s efforts to realize a just and civilized society, in accordance with President Prabowo Subianto’s Asta Cita vision. He conveyed this in his Commander Wish to the ranks of the Riau Police, Wednesday (19/3/2025).
The Police Chief conveyed four main points. First, the Riau Police must take an active part in making government programs a success. Second, members of the Police must improve themselves, be ready to be criticized, and be sensitive to the needs of the community.
“Sit lower than the community, stand lower than the community, because we are part of the community itself,” said Inspector General Herry.
The third point, improving the quality of public services that are humanist and transparent. And fourth, upholding human rights, ethics, and morals in every law enforcement.
“True security is born from justice. Power without ethics only creates fear,” he said.
Inspector General Herry also asked his members to avoid unnecessary repressive actions. “Be a protector, not a threat. Enforce the law fairly and with dignity,” he concluded.
The Regional Police Chief hopes that the Riau Regional Police will be an example of a humanist, integrity-based police that is trusted by the community.
Author Ardes
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