Megaluh Empowerment Training IPNU IPPNU

Megaluh Empowerment Training IPNU IPPNU

MEGALUH, JOMBANG-, ASWINNEWS.COM – PAC IPNU IPPNU Megaluh held Megaluh Empowerment Training (MET), a leadership training for new members, which took place at the Megaluh Village Hall on Wednesday (19/03) starting at 16.30 WIB until 19.00 WIB. This event was attended by representatives from several IPNU IPPNU branches throughout Megaluh District, including Sudimoro, Sumberagung, Sidomulyo, Pacarpeluk, and Megaluh.

The Head of PAC IPNU Megaluh, Galuh Ramadhan, in his speech emphasized the importance of this training as an effort to strengthen organizational understanding among new members. “We want to provide a clear view and picture of IPNU IPPNU and the steps to organize in the future,” he said.

Furthermore, Galuh explained that MET is a grand design that will be the basis for subsequent training. He hopes that the branch leaders will be able to prepare work programs and run the organization in accordance with applicable rules and mechanisms.

This training not only focuses on the leadership aspect, but also encourages participants to be able to spread the teachings of Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah (ASWAJA) in the community. “Branch leaders are the front guard in the IPNU IPPNU organization and NU in general. Therefore, they must be able to hold activities that are beneficial to the community,” he added.

As a follow-up to this training, the IPNU IPPNU branch leaders were asked to immediately design activities in each branch, both ceremonial and routine activities. The hope is that this training will not only stop as a theory, but can also be actualized in the form of real actions that provide benefits to the community.

With the Megaluh Empowerment Training (MET), it is hoped that young leaders will be born who are ready to move IPNU IPPNU at the branch level and contribute to strengthening the role of the organization in the religious and social fields in Megaluh District.



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