
Deputy Regent Gus Salman Asks PCNU to Monitor Programs and Supervise the Sale Purchase of Positions

Deputy Regent Gus Salman Asks PCNU to Monitor Programs and Supervise the Sale Purchase of Positions

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- Deputy Regent of Jombang, M. Salmanudin Yazid, S.Ag. usually called Gus Salman, asked the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PCNU) Jombang to the sub-district level to monitor the current Regent and Deputy Regent’s programs. One of the main focuses that must be supervised is the practice of buying and selling positions at the sub-district and village levels.

“I ask the NU management at the sub-district level, the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Representative Council (MWCNU), please supervise if there are any who play in the sale and purchase of positions at the village and sub-district levels,” said Gus Salman, during the Silaturahmi and Breaking Fast event with PCNU Jombang on Tuesday afternoon (18/3).

According to him, if indications of buying and selling positions are found, the community and NU management must immediately report it to the authorities so that it can be followed up.

“This is an old disease that has become ingrained and must be eradicated for the sake of the progress of the City of Santri,” he said.

Deputy Regent Salman also said that this message was a direct mandate from Regent Warsubi. He is sure that if PCNU, from the branch level to the sub-district level, actively participates in supervising the performance of the government at the village and sub-district levels, then the practice of buying and selling positions can be prevented.

“Help us for the next five years to participate in supervising the government. With the active role of NU, we can realize a clean and transparent government,” said the Deputy Regent.



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