
Brain Rot Phenomenon: Declining Student Learning Motivation and Its Solution

Brain Rot Phenomenon: Declining Student Learning Motivation and Its Solution

By: Sujaya, S. Pd. Gr.

A. What is Brain Rot?

“Brain rot” is a popular slang term which in English means brain decay and is used to describe a condition when someone feels their mind becomes dull, experiences decreased concentration, critical thinking, is less productive and decreases motivation due to excessive consumption of entertainment content, such as social media, games, and short videos. This phenomenon is increasingly widespread among students, especially in the current digital era.

B. Impact of Brain Rot on Learning Motivation

1. Decreased Focus and Concentration
Students who are too often exposed to fast and shallow content tend to have difficulty concentrating when studying or reading more complex material.

2. Dependence on Instant Entertainment
Instant pleasure from social media and games makes learning feel boring and uninteresting.

3. Decreased Memory
Brain rot can cause difficulty in absorbing and remembering important information because the brain is used to fast and shallow information.

4. Procrastination
Students tend to prefer entertainment over completing schoolwork, which ultimately lowers academic achievement.

C. Solutions to Overcome Brain Rot and Increase Learning Motivation

1. Limit the Use of Social Media

Set the time for using gadgets with a time limit feature or screen time control application.

Use social media as a learning tool, for example by following educational accounts.

2. Practice Focus and Concentration

Use the Pomodoro technique (study for 25 minutes, rest for 5 minutes) to improve focus.

Do meditation or mindfulness exercises to train awareness and concentration.

3. Increase Interest in Learning with Interactive Methods

Use interesting learning methods such as educational videos, mind mapping, or group discussions.

Apply project-based or experimental learning to make learning more fun.

4. Implement a Healthy Lifestyle

Get enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours per day to maintain brain performance.

Consume nutritious foods such as fish, vegetables, and nuts to improve memory.

Exercise regularly to keep blood flowing to the brain smoothly.

5. Create Goals and Rewards in Learning

Set daily or weekly targets to be more motivated.

Give yourself a small reward after completing a task, such as watching a movie or playing a game within a certain time limit.

D. Conclusion

The brain rot phenomenon can reduce students’ learning motivation if not addressed properly. By limiting the use of social media, training focus, implementing interactive learning methods, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and providing rewards, students can increase their enthusiasm for learning and achieve better results.

If you experience symptoms of brain rot, start implementing the solutions above slowly so that learning becomes fun again!

Indramayu. 3/18/2025



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