
The Form of THR Becomes a Measure of Whether We Are Pancasialists or Not

The Form of THR Becomes a Measure of Whether We Are Pancasilaists or Not

By: Jacob Ereste
Freelance Journalist

The Eid Allowance (THR) so that most people can enjoy a little happiness during the 2025 Eid al-Fitr is truly the hope of many people who do not have money so that they can be relieved of the pressing economic burden, not as a sense of pity, but as a form of solidarity, concern and attention to fellow friends, relatives in attachment, loyalty, love and affection to maintain a harmonious order from the real socio-economic inequality experienced by most citizens.

In the provision of THR, there is no coercion and compulsion, but purely based on awareness and sincerity to be done wholeheartedly, without expecting anything in return which is realized as part of worship alone.

In today’s difficult economic conditions in Indonesia, THR will be very meaningful — no matter how much it is — because no less importantly it can help ease the burden for anyone who is considered worthy to receive it, especially between the giver and the recipient who have good social relations so that it needs to be maintained with all forms and various efforts so that it remains lasting and sustainable to maintain and build harmony in the bonds of brotherhood, resistance ties and working relationships to be more productive and can bring better and more useful benefits in society.

The provision of THR for the general public is usually associated with a working relationship between the need and the employer, between employees and the leaders of the relevant agencies or institutions. Including for independent workers — individuals with related parties who can utilize the services provided. But for freelance workers who do not depend on any party, it needs attention from all parties — especially the government — because maintaining the welfare of the people is part of our constitutional mandate that must be fought for by the government.

Therefore, the momentum of the 2025 Eid al-Fitr holiday can be an event to prove the attitude of care, attention, solidarity and the meaning of mutual cooperation which is part of the noble philosophy of Pancasila for the Indonesian nation and state.

That is how the awareness and understanding and implementation of the philosophy of the nation and ideology of the Indonesian state can be measured through the appreciation and practice of Pancasila in the behavior of life and Pancasilaist life or not.

Blok M, March 17, 2025


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