
PMII Ternate City Urges PB PMII to Immediately Evaluate PKC PMII Malut

PMII Ternate City Urges PB PMII to Immediately Evaluate PKC PMII Malut.

TERNATE-MALUT-ASWINNEWS.COM-The Branch Management of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PC PMII) of Ternate City urged PB PMII to immediately evaluate PKC PMI North Maluku, Monday, March 17, 2025.

PC PMII Ternate City assessed that the instruction letter issued by PKC PMII North Maluku with Letter Number 245.PKC-IV.Z-02.01-002.A-I.03-2025 addressed to PC PMII Ternate City, was considered flawed and chaotic.

The Chairperson of PC PMII Ternate City, Irwan Latumetan, said that the letter issued by PKC PMII North Maluku was considered flawed in terms of regulations. In addition, PKC PMII North Maluku was considered not to understand the Organizational Regulations (PO).

According to him, in the contents of the letter there should not be the term period but rather the term service period based on the Organizational Regulations. Both letters should use the term Branch Conference (Konfercab) instead of using the term Konvercab (Branch Conference).

Irwan continued, the PKC PMII North Maluku is in disarray and does not understand the rules of the organization. This PKC is in disarray when making a letter like this, moreover the current PKC chairman is on the BPH PB PMII management, but he does not understand and does not obey the rules of the organization.

The chairman of the PKC PMII North Maluku is indicated to have violated organizational ethics, therefore the PC PMII Ternate asks the PB PMII to immediately evaluate the PKC PMII North Maluku.

In addition, PC PMII Ternate also urged PB PMII to immediately instruct PKC PMII North Maluku to immediately conduct Konkorcab because the term of office of PKC PMII has ended in August 2024.

“With Wahida Abdurahim in the central board (PB PMII) alone, it is already administratively flawed. Because in the PO or ADRT regulations, you cannot hold two positions at once,” he concluded.

Ternate Bureau/Enal


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