Media Competition is Proof that Journalists Care

Media Competition is Proof that Journalists Care

By: Irno Budi Kiswoyo, SE., MH
(Chairman of DPP ASWIN)

In today’s digital era, it creates a lively atmosphere with the emergence of new media including online media that are increasingly growing here and there.

Media is a basic means for journalists to make news besides cameras and other devices that are used, especially now that it is made easier by the existence of online media based on websites through the internet network that is already available, this has led to the rapid growth of media in Indonesia and even abroad.

In carrying out their duties and activities, journalists have more opportunities to convey their concern for information that is worthy of being conveyed to the general public or the community, journalists flock, together, making news and showing off their abilities so that they are able to enliven the internet sky through their respective proud websites.

But here we need to pay attention together that journalists do not only write as much news as possible but must still be aware of the rules and standards of news writing so as not to violate the provisions of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press and the applicable Journalistic Code of Ethics.

And I hope that journalists have equipped themselves with sufficient legality so as not to violate the rules and get legal certainty in carrying out their duties, namely having journalist training, having an active parent organization and media.

As the General Chairperson of the International Journalists Association (ASWIN), I greatly appreciate the enthusiasm of Indonesian journalists who are actively voicing important information needed by the public, especially journalists who are members of ASWIN and the media under ASWIN.

Jakarta, March 17, 2025


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