Kampung Rawa The Brong Film Produced by CIS Production is Ready to be Screened
JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS COM- A film entitled Kampung Rawa The Brong has finished production. This film tells the story of a child from Kampung Rawa The Brong who is addicted to drugs, as a result of which he has dealings with the police, with the main actor Anwirrialis.MH, (King Master Kungfu Gerak Kilat) and directed by Taufig Opi Sulaiman, produced by CIS Production.
Anwirrialis.MH, King Master Kungfu Gerak Kilat (playing the Intel Police) told Journalist aswinnews.com, Monday (03/17/2025) that this film is titled action drama but provides education to the world of teenagers who are currently developing.
The film’s cast is supported by. Adi as Iqbal,
Ansyorrullah Conlie as Andri,
Donay as Boni,
Khesa as Hana,
Rara as Dewi,
Ujang as Datuk’s guard,
Della as Datuk’s wife,
Ferlis as High School Teacher, and
as Ustad played by Ari Maulana, producer Egi Rawa.
With Telco Imam Zulkarnain.
Cameraman (photographer) Ardiansyah.
“This film tells the story of the dangers of drugs for the younger generation, to be avoided so that teenagers do not fall into the abyss of destruction,” said Master Anwir.
This film is planned to be screened in elementary and junior high schools throughout DKI Jakarta and can also be watched via YouTube on the Cis Production channel.
Anwirrialis.MH/ Cak Kis
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