
Angklung Cultural Art Contains Managerial Meaning

Angklung Cultural Art Contains Managerial Meaning

Author: H. M Rochiyat, SE
Chairman of DPD Aswin Jabar

Angklung art is a legacy from the ancestors or ancestors of the Sundanese people.

Angklung is known as a musical instrument originating from the land of Sunda, namely West Java. Unlike other musical instruments that are hit or blown, the way to play this angklung is quite unique because it is played by bouncing it.

Angklung cultural art In its history, traditional angklung was usually used in worship ceremonies to Nyai Sri Pohaci (Goddess of Rice) and Seren Taun for the blessing of rice and to honor the harvest. However, now angklung is widely used as entertainment and is not limited to certain rituals.

It contains a very deep philosophy of life. That in everyday life, we are faced with different thoughts and opinions. Diversity shows differences, but these differences can be united in a container that can produce valuable and quality output

In the angklung device, it consists of different angklung notes from the sounds do re mi pa so la si du. Which indicates that there are different notes. However, if they have been united, they can produce beautiful song lyrics thanks to a conductor who leads. This means that if we interpret it in management, a leader must be able to synergize differences for the common good that can provide benefits from these differences.

Cirebon, March 16, 2025


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