
What is the Meaning of Life in the World

What is the Meaning of Life in the World

Author: H. M Rochiyat, SE
Chairman of DPD Aswin Jabar

Life is full of puzzles and twists and turns as if we were walking through valleys and hills full of challenges and threats. Guts and courage are needed in facing various problems. A steely spirit must be ignited so that the purpose of life can be achieved.

The question is. What is the purpose of life. For Muslims?

That the purpose of life is to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT. Because all our words and actions will be held accountable, so that our actions and actions must be for His pleasure, so that we are safe both in the world and the Hereafter.

Sometimes we are given a pleasant life that can neglect our obligations as creatures, even though in fact life is only waiting for a call, namely the call to prayer, the call to pilgrimage for those who are able and the call to death.

While waiting for the call so as not to be bored and boring. Allah SWT. Gives toys and pleasure. In the form of being given a wife for men and a husband for his wife. Also children and property and position. Sometimes we tend to neglect our obligations in waiting for the call. For example, because we are so enjoying chatting with our beloved children or wives, there is a call to prayer, we tend to neglect praying at the wrong time. Given a position, sometimes the position given is misused and there are many other examples that cannot be mentioned one by one.

In essence, life is very detrimental for those who cannot make the best use of their time.

Cirebon Regency, March 15, 2025


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