
The Fading Obrog-Obrog Tradition Changes in Meaning in Society

The Fading Obrog-Obrog Tradition Changes in Meaning in Society

Author, Abahroy

The obrog-obrog tradition, which used to be part of the excitement of Ramadan, is now fading and experiencing a change in meaning.

In the past, groups of youths went around the village with simple musical instruments including Genjring Santri and accompanied by a bedug, waking residents up for sahur. This tradition is not just an annual ritual, but also a symbol of togetherness and mutual cooperation.

Unfortunately, the essence of obrog-obrog is starting to erode.

Now, what is more often seen is no longer a group waking people up for sahur with a spirit of togetherness, but a group of people going around during the day to ask for alms. This change certainly raises the question, is this tradition still relevant, or has it shifted in a direction that is less in accordance with the values โ€‹โ€‹of Ramadan?

This change can be caused by several factors. One of them is modernization and technology.

With the presence of alarms and sahur reminder applications, the function of obrog-obrog as a natural alarm is no longer needed.

In addition, economic factors also play a big role.

Some people see the Ramadan moment as an opportunity to ask for financial assistance under the pretext of preserving tradition.

However, is this really a form of preservation, or is it an exploitation of old habits?

If the original goal was to raise the spirit of togetherness, then asking for alms during the day under the pretext of obrog-obrog clearly deviates from its original intent.

Tradition should remain alive with the same essence, not just maintained in an external form without real meaning.

So, if we want obrog-obrog to remain part of the Ramadan culture, we need to restore its original values.

For example, by making obrog a means of spreading Islam, not just an activity that shifts into a tool for seeking personal gain.

This tradition must remain a reflection of togetherness, not just an empty ritual that loses its meaning.

Cirebon, 03/15/2025



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