
H.Warsubi and H.Agung Wicaksono Donate Hundreds of Pedicab Drivers in Jombang

H. Warsudi and H. Agung Wicaksono Donate Hundreds of Pedicab Drivers in Jombang

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- The extended family of H Warsubi SH Msi and H Agung Wicaksono distributed alms to pedicab drivers, Saturday (3/15/2025). Located at the residence of H Warsubi SH, M.Si, Bulak Hamlet, Mojokrapak Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency, starting at 07.00 WIB.

The alms distributed were 5 kg of rice with pocket money on the condition that they bring a photocopy of their KTP/original KTP, and bring their own pedicab and are not residents of Mojokrapak Village.

Hundreds of pedicab drivers were seen crowding the yard of H Warsubi SH Msi’s house, even since Friday night (3/14/2025), the pedicab drivers had started to arrive. The arrival of the pedicab drivers earlier, aims to not have to wait in line for too long.

H Warsubi SH MSi said, we feel called to share with the less fortunate residents.

“And all of that is a form of our commitment to residents in need. At least it can help improve the welfare of the people of Jombang Regency.

Because we feel that fellow human beings are obliged to help each other,” he said.

“Although our giving is not much, at least it can be used to survive. Use our assistance as it should be, at least to support daily basic needs so that it is more useful for the family,” he hoped.

“And don’t forget we say thank you for the participation and presence of the pedicab drivers, hopefully our assistance will be useful for all of us,” he concluded.



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