
Conservation of Leuweung Tiis and Efforts to Maintain Clean Water Sources

Conservation of Leuweung Tiis and Efforts to Maintain Clean Water Sources.

PURWAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM – Forest conservation and efforts to maintain clean water sources are closely related, because forests play an important role in the hydrological cycle and maintain forest sustainability. We ensure the availability of sustainable clean water sources for future generations.

This was conveyed by the Regent of Purwakarta, Saepul Bahri Binzein on the sidelines of tree planting with the ranks of the West Java Provincial Forestry Service in Leuweung Tiis, Salem Village, Pondoksalam District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, Saturday, (3/15/2025).

According to him, forests can regulate the hydrological cycle, affect rainfall, transpiration and soil flow.

Conservation of clean water sources is a shared responsibility. With collective efforts, protecting the forest together we can maintain the availability of clean water for present and future generations.

“Today we got the seedlings from the Head of the West Java Provincial Forestry Service. It just so happens that we are in need of seedlings, we have Leuweung Tiis in Pondoksalam District, it is about 11 hectares wide. Well, under this forest area there is a source of raw water for PDAM. This means that this forest must not be damaged, we must protect it together,” said Om Zein.

Leuweung Tiis as a Reserve Forest Area.

He also said that in the future Leuweung Tiis will be proposed as a reserve forest area, namely a forest area that must not be disturbed and damaged, but one day can be used as a reserve for future generations. We may take advantage of it, such as the fruit that grows or the leaves, but not by cutting down the tree,” said Om Zein.

Today, continued Om Zein, in Pondokasalam there are around 1000 trees planted, then the Purwakarta Regency Government will try to create a city forest around Babakancikao District or precisely in Ciwareng Village.

“Lately, the problem that we always face is when it rains there will definitely be flooding or landslides. When it’s dry there will be drought and fires. Yes, the root of the problem is that we like to cut down but forget to plant. So let’s plant trees. We green Purwakarta,” he said.

Foresting Critical Land.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Java Provincial Forestry Service, Dodit Ardian Pancapana in his statement said, the West Java Forestry Service has nine Branch Offices, one of which is in Purwakarta, with the working area of ​​Purwakarta, Subang and Karawang Regencies.

“We appreciate the program or efforts to save water sources carried out by the Purwakarta Regent, this is extraordinary, he coordinates with us to forest critical land and land that has the potential to be critical,” said Dodit.

In the future, his party will strengthen what has been done by the Purwakarta Regent, so that there is administrative strengthening. “Earlier it was proposed about the status of the forest, later we will monitor it so that this is determined as a forest area by the Ministry level,” concluded Dodit.



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