
Bishop Bernadus Bofitwos Baru,OSA,Bishop Elect to Timika Diocese,Central Papua Province

Bishop Bernadus Bofitwos Baru, OSA, Bishop Elect of Timika Diocese, Central Papua Province

TIMIKA-ASWINNRWS.COM- Bishop Bernadus Bofitwos BARU, OSA, is the bishop elected as the diocese of Timika. He was born in Maybrat on August 22, 1969 and was ordained a priest on July 30, 2006.

Before becoming a bishop, Bishop Bernadus Bofitwos Baru, OSA, served as the Head of the Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology (STFT), Abepura, Jayapura, since 2022.

Bridget Bernadus Bofitwos Baru, OSA, was elected by Pope Francis as the new Bishop of the Timika diocese on March 8, 2025. Replacing Bishop. Jhon Phillip Saklil who passed away on August 3, 2019.

In his remarks, Bishop Bernadus Bofitwos Baru, OSA, explained that the position of Bishop is not about power, but about service born of love and devotion. He also hopes to be able to carry out his pastoral duties well together with the Faith, the Sisters, and the People in the Timika Diocese.

K3 Damabagata Parish, East Tigi District, Deiyai ​​Regency, Central Papua Province, From the People, to Journalist, Saturday, March 15, 2025, conveying congratulations and success for the inauguration service of the new elected bishop for the period 2025-2030, may your duties and responsibilities be useful. God Bless, Amen.

Amandus Doo


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