
Visinema ” Jumbo ” Screening,Ryan Adriandhy’s Work

Visinema “Jumbo” Screening, Ryan Adriandhy’s Work

JAKARTA-ASWINNEWS.COM- Visinema “Jumbo” Press Screening & Press Conference, at Studio 2 Episentrum XXI, Thursday (13/03) which will be simultaneously shown in cinemas accompanying Lebaran 2025.

Visinema Studios produced by Anggia Kharisma and Novia Puspa Sari, this animated film Brings Imagination to Life, Warms the Heart “Jumbo”, is ready to enliven the big screen on a cheerful Lebaran with a story full of meaning and magic through animation made by local creators. A safe, comfortable film that elevates universal values ​​about courage, friendship, and family affection.

The story of Don’s journey, a child who is often underestimated by his friends. To prove that he is not just a big man who always loses, Don is determined to appear in a talent show by presenting a stage play, inspired by a fairy tale book inherited from his parents.

But everything changes when a bully steals the book, and Don meets a mysterious little boy who asks for his help to reunite with his parents. With his new friend, Don begins a magical and magical adventure, teaching the meaning of self-confidence, courage, and true friendship.

Voice actors by Prince Poetiray, Quinn Salman, Yusuf Ozkan, M.Adhiyat, Graciella Abigail, Ariel Noah, Bunga Citra Lestari, Angga Yunanda, Cinta Laura Kiehl, Ratna Riantiarno, and Aryo Wahab, writer and director Ryan Adriandhy. Visinema Studios held a special simultaneous Screening in 20 cities, Jakarta to Ambon starting May 15, 2025, and tickets went on sale May 10, 2025 and were immediately sold out in various cities, this proves that the Jumbo film has a place in the hearts of the people.
Visinema Jumbo will soon be shown in 17 foreign countries involving 400 local creators, the first Indonesian animated film and the largest production scale even though it took almost 5 years to make.

Maliq & D”Essentials warm up the Jumbo film by presenting the classic song” Kumpul Bocah”, and follow the information through the official accounts @visinemaid and @jumbofilm_id.



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